Hi there! Most people aren’t aware of the fact that I’m on the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board for Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin Counties. Even after I tell them they probably have little to no idea of what that is and how they can benefit from this. As hopefully all of you know, I am a speaker with my main focus being on mental health awareness. I also do some one-on-one coaching when my schedule allows. In saying that I often encounter individuals who need to talk to someone other than me about things they’re going through. I’d love to tell you I am the one who can help you with all your problems… However, that would be a huge lie! Being on this board allows me to tell someone, I’m NOT the person that can help you, but I know someone who can and typically ask if I can call them back when I have the correct contact’s information. The key to helping someone isn’t about having all the answers… It’s having access to those who do. Often when someone comes to us and they are asking for help, we panic and think it’s OUR responsibility to fix this and we take all that pressure on ourselves. We need to learn to stop doing this to ourselves. There are others that are here to help. And please always keep in mind that if someone is in an emergency, they can always take someone to an emergency room or if need be, call 911. Professionals are here for a purpose and there is no weakness in asking for and getting the HELP that we need.
Let’s put our focus back on the Board. There are so many great tools and benefits that are offered to those in our local community. I’ll start by giving you their core values and responsibilities.
Believe in recovery for every person. Assist people in recognizing their own strengths and assets and that their future will be better than their present.
Give each person immediate attention.Listen, assess, educate, and take action.
Give of yourself.Provide expertise, immediate attention, and compassion.
Our Responsibilities
Ohio's Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Boards are the "HUB" of the local Recovery-Oriented System of Care. Boards engage local partners to educate, advocate, coordinate, and facilitate the programs, services, and supports needed for individuals, families, and communities. To meet their statutory duties, Boards are responsible for the following:
• Complete Continuum of Care
• Client Protection
• Client Coordination
• Housing Development/Management
• Community Education and Awareness
• Critical Incident Management
Putting all this information on paper isn’t very difficult, as I simply pulled it straight from their website at wecarepeople.org. What matters most isn’t about how many things you can list on a piece of paper though. The bottom line is that if someone is struggling, someone will do all they can to be there when they need it. Obviously no individual or organization can fix every problem, however, I’m proud to say that on a great number of occasions, someone has contacted me and within 30 minutes I was able to gather the information needed for those individuals to help themselves get the help that they needed. I could literally go on for hours about all the resources, training and initiatives that are available through this organization, and I encourage all of you to spend some time familiarizing yourself with them as well. Although, it may not be you that is struggling, however, with this information it may be you that can help save a life, if you know how to reach and to get the help they need.
Other resources:
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Call or Text 988
Local Crisis HOPEline
1-800-567-HOPE (4673) or text 741-741